Atrial Fibrillation
Now a pandemic in the Western Word, AF has long been poorly recognised and poorly treated.
My modern techniques allow for very effective minimally invasive treatment options. View Procedure Info >>
Surgical Services

Mitral Valve Surgery
Minimally invasive mitral valve surgery can allow >90% of valves to be repaired and, where necessary, replaced without the need for sternotomy. View Procedure Info >>
Aortic Surgery
There’s been significant change in available treatments for aortic pathology. Valve replacement can be performed through Minimally Invasive incisions. TAVI provides the least invasive and ultimate solution. View Procedure Info >>
Thoracic Surgery
Keyhole techniques allow for major surgical resections and almost all procedures to be performed without the need for rib spreading or division of muscle. Recovery is significantly enhanced using these techniques. View Procedure info >>
For over 20 years, I have been refining techniques for minimal access Aortic, Mitral and Thoracic surgery. My training was completed at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, followed by an advanced fellowship with Professor Tirone E David at the Toronto General Hospital. Additional expertise required visits to Belgium, Italy, England and the United States. I now proctor internationally in order to share my knowledge and further improvement in all areas of minimal access and open cardiac and thoracic surgery.
Rapid Nodule Assessment Scheme
A complex algorithm has been devised to evaluate the individual risk for developing primary pulmonary malignancy. Major risk factors are age and smoking history.
Using the RNAS – the rapid nodule assessment service – a predicted risk can be calculated and advice will then be offered to the patient on how best to proceed at the patients discretion.
Head Office:
Suite 25 Cabrini Medical Centre
177 Wattletree Road
Malvern VIC 3144
T: +61 3 9509 9577
F: +61 3 9500 2221
E: (General Enquiries)
E: (Mr. Adrian Pick)
ABN: 81 630 284 678
Additional Consulting Locations:
Holmeslgen Private Hospital, Suite A1, 490 South Road, Moorabbin
Peninsula Private Hospital, Suite 14, 525 McClelland Drive, Frankston
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